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Nobel Peace Prize 2012 awarded to European Union

The EU has received the 2012 award for advancing the causes of peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe. In its announcement on 12 October, the Norwegian Nobel Committee said its decision was based on the stabilizing role the EU has played in transforming most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace.

The EU’s most important achievement, according to the committee, has been "the successful struggle for peace and reconciliation and for democracy and human rights".
The European Union is the 21st international organisation to win the award since 1901.

Le prix sera décerné à Oslo, le 10 décembre. À l'instar des autres lauréats, l'UE le recevra des mains du président du comité Nobel. Elle sera représentée par le président du Conseil européen, le président de la Commission européenne et le président du Parlement européen. Le discours traditionnel du Nobel sera prononcé, au nom de l'UE, par les présidents Van Rompuy et Barroso. L'UE reversera le montant du prix (930 000 euros) à des projets destinés à aider les enfants victimes de guerres et de conflits.

Pentru a marca acest moment istoric, instituţiile UE şi Forumul European al Tineretului au organizat un concurs în care tinerii au avut posibilitatea să explice ce înseamnă pentru ei pacea în Europa. Câştigătorii îi vor însoţi pe liderii UE la Oslo pentru ceremonia de decernare a premiului.