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2013 - Anul european al cetatenilor (European Year of Citizens)

Comisia Europeană şi-a propus să desemneze anul 2013 drept "Anul european al cetățenilor", pentru a marca 20 de ani de la înființarea cetățeniei Uniunii Europene consemnată în Tratatul de la Maastricht (1993).

European  Civil society organisations and networks members of the EESC Liaison Group (European Year of Citizens 2013 Alliance) welcome Commission’s proposal to put Union citizenship at the heart of the political agenda, and launched a manifesto to raise awareness on Union citizens' rights, with a view to facilitating the exercise of the right of free movement and residence. 

Cititi acest manifest in limba romana (promovat in Romania de Asociatia Pro Democratia).

The European Year of Citizens 2013 is dedicated to the rights that come with EU citizenship. Over this year, we will encourage dialogue between all levels of government, civil society and business at events and conferences around Europe to discuss those EU rights and build a vision of how the EU should be in 2020.

it`s about EUROPE, it`s about YOU!