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European Smart Borders: enhancing mobility and security

This should interest all non EU foreigners visiting Europe (the Schengen area) and the non-Schengen member countries. The new package proposed by the Commission wants to speed-up, facilitate and reinforce border check procedures for foreigners travelling to the EU.
Smart Borders means efficient border management by using state-of-the-art technology.
The package consists of
  • a Registered Traveller Programme (RTP) and
  • an Entry/Exit System (EES) that will simplify life for frequent third country travellers at the Schengen external borders and enhance EU border security.
Business travellers, workers on short term contracts, researchers and students, third country nationals with close family ties to EU citizens or living in regions bordering the EU are all likely to cross the borders several times a year. Making it as easy as possible for them to come to the EU would ensure that Europe remains an attractive destination and help boosting economic activity and job creation.

More information on the website of Home Affairs Directorate.

Nu este foarte clar daca o tara ca Romania care nu face parte inca din spatiul Schengen (si nici nu prea sunt perspective reale) dar care foloseste pasaportul biometric, va obliga cetatenii romani sa se inregistreze in acest program si baza de date.
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