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What I hate in Brussel (Part 1)

Ok, ok, these are not quite things I hate in the real sense of the word, but these are some aspects that make me say to myself: Relax, it will go away quickly :) Keep on breathing!

I promise that this will not be a one single post so I will keep on searching for things that annoy me.
Then we will see how weird I am :))

Also, this action also needs a What I love in Brussel list, don't you think? ;) It's in the TODO list...

1. I hate the train that goes to Luik. That's Liege. This train is ALWAYS lateeeee!!! and is always making me miss the connections. This train is definitively the number 1 on this list! This one I really hate :)
2. The horrible fried cooking smell that can be found in the Gare du Nord train station.
3. The fact that in each restaurant when you go to the toilet you have to pay like 10-30 eurocents, even if the toilet is in the restaurant...
4. The fact that the sky is most of the time grey :( And off course it's raining a lot (now it's not because it's snowing) but it's a general sensation of lacking light.
5. ...

Tineti aproape ca revin ;)